I chanced upon this book on my recent trip to India and figured this will make for a lite read and give a break from the heavy books I have been picking.

To give the bottom line, it is exactly what I thought it would be. Very lite with about 5–10 pages worth of content worth considering.

The Author — I had no idea about the author, but in the first couple of pages, I thought — the English is so esoteric and that reminded me of only one thing — The Hindu. The Hindu is known for its choice of complex vocabulary, where you almost need a dictionary to decode the sentences. Lo and behold, Bharadwaj Rangan works for The Hindu.

The Format — The entire book is in conversation format. This format preserves the integrity of the conversation alright, but it gets boring after a point. A — you are reading a lot to get a small amount of information. B — it is literally confusing who is asking what, especially when you read with the flow and fail to notice the names have changed.

There is almost a chapter on every movie he created — of which I neglected 2 chapters — Raavan because I have not seen it yet and Uyire because I really don’t care.

Overall 2.5 /5.